
Festive Outdoor Scene

Reinhold Hanke - Modell Nr. 1259

Aus die Sammlung von Andrew Ives

Heavy open 3 ring hinge c.1875-1895
Handle RH-12/Capacity mark RH-4 per TBSL
Central image is taken from illustrations by Heinrich Schlitt, which was part of a mural from 1890 at the Weisbaden Ratskellar, per TBSL.
"He who runs and agitates, with coins only clinking and drinks his pint standing up,
may the full meaning of the saying hit him: Tranquility is every citizen's first duty."

The base mark depicts the royal arms of German Emperor Wilhelm I and Empress Augusta.

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Form Krug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller Reinhold Hanke
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Entwurfdatumc.1890 - 1895   

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