
Banquet in the Monastary

Dümler & Breiden - mold 550

From the collection of Dümler & Breiden

Photo courtesy of T. Meikle

Photo courtesy of T. Meikle

Photo courtesy of T. Meikle

Photo courtesy of T. Meikle

Pottery stein, produced by Dümler & Breiden. Mold number 550.

The central image is taken from an 1876 painting entitled "Beim Klosterwein" (Wine at the Monastery) by Eduard von Grützner (1846-1925). [link]

(information provided by T. Meikle)

See also #103,#104,#547

View the collection of Dümler & Breiden

type stein materialstoneware
producer Dümler & Breiden
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