
Regimental 25th Pioneer Battalion

From the collection of Walter Swett

Military stein

3. Comp. Nass. (Nassauisches) Pion. Batl. No. 25. Mainz, 1910-1912.
3rd Company, Nassau Combat Engineer Battalion, Nr. 25, Mainz, 1910-1912.
(A similar stein can be found on pages 208 & 209, item 157, of Regimental Beer Steins, 1890-1914, R. Ron Heiligenstein)

Phrase around top of stein:
Am Rheines Strande dienten wir, dem Kaiser treu als Pionier
On the shores of the Rhein, we faithfully served the Kaiser as (combat) engineers

Named to:
Reservist Hommel

Central Scene:
Is comprised of a red and gold “25” shoulder board and a shield with the German Imperial colors over engineer’s tools – pick, shovel, rope, anchor, paddle and pike (Is pike the correct term for the long pole and hook used by engineers?)

Right Side Scene:
Depicts the construction of a pole bridge.

Zu Wasser u. zu Lande, schafft der Pionier mit Ruder Piqu‘ u Spaten. Geschicklichkeit u. schnelle Arbeitskraft. Macht ihn zum Meister aller Feldsoldaten. Heut baut dem Sieg er eiligst eine Brüche. Und morgen springt des Feindes Werk in Stücke.
On water and on land the engineer works with oar, pick, and spade. Because of his dexterity and strength, he is the best of all soldiers in the field. Today he hastily builds a bridge for victory and tomorrow the enemy’s works are blown to pieces.

Left Side Scene:
Shows the construction of a pontoon bridge over the Rhein with the city of Mainz in the background

Pioniere das Stolze Chor zieht allen anderen vor.
The proud engineer corps is preferred above all others.

The finial appears to be an old replacement of an infantry soldier with a shovel added to his back. The thumblift is comprised of an anchor with crossed engineer tools.

Reserve hat ruh
The Reserve rests

Ihr Brüder stoßt die Glässer an es lebe der Reservemann
You brother’s clink your glasses, long live the reservist.

Der treu gedient hat seine zeit dem sei ein volles Glas geweiht
Whoever has served his time faithfully shall have a full glass dedicated to him

A soldier and his sweetheart bid farewell.
The lithophane has a hairline and a small fleck missing.

View the collection of Walter Swett

type stein materialporcelain
producer mold-
capacity1/2 liter   
design date1910-1912   

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