
Krombach spring

Simon Peter Gerz

From the collection of Özgür Atilim Özçelik


Gerz Stamped Original German Zinn Lid Beer Stein...
It is a special product produced for the Krombacher Pils beer brand.
The story of the Krombach spring, which is located in the town of Krombach and has been producing beer since the 1800s, is written on it ...
"Anno 1722 stieb Fresenius - Berginspektor des Fürsten zu Nassau - Siegen - in der Nöhe des Ortes Krombacher auf reich Wasservorkommen: Felsquellwasser. Hundert Jahre spater erkannte Man die ideal Beschaffenheit dies Wassers zum Bierbrauen. Pils gebraut, das zu den Spitzenerzeugnissen deutschet Bräu kunst zahit. "
"In 1722, Fresenius, the mining inspector of Prince Siegen of Nassau, discovered abundant springs near the town of Krombacher: rock spring water. A hundred years later, people realized that this water was ideal for brewing beer. And even today it is one of the most important products of German brewing art. At Krombach, a pilsner is brewed with this special water. "
It is a vintage product from the 1980s ...
It is in perfect condition and is a collectible piece.

This item is for sale by the owner

Indicative asking price: us$ 30.00
(~ € 26.55 | US$ 30.00 | UK£ 21.13)
You can contact the owner if you are interested in buying this item. Remember that the asking price is indicative and usually does not include shipping & handling costs, so make sure you agree with the seller on all costs before agreeing to a deal. is not in any way involved in any deal resulting from offers being made on this website and therefore will not accept any liability or responsibility for any deals between sellers and buyers.

View the collection of Özgür Atilim Özçelik

type stein materialstoneware
producer Simon Peter Gerz
producer info
design date1980's   
height 16.0 cm (appx. 6.2 inches.)   

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