
2 Handled 1L Beer Steins

Wick Werke

Uit de verzameling van Mike Finn

These two handled 1L steins are different. The one on the left with the thin blue line at the top was made by Emil Sahm. The other has a shield with only one W in it, Wick Werke's had two W's and on the base it has a King logo. WW made steins 1922-1984. I don't have a good answer for this one W in the shield capacity mark and the King logo. They are both about 7-1/2" tall.

Bekijk alles van Mike Finn

soort bierpul materiaalSteengoed
producent Wick Werke
producent info
hoogte 19.1 cm (appx. 7.4 inches.)   

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