
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn 4F

Simon Peter Gerz - modelnr. 1044

Uit de verzameling van Mike Finn

Simon Peter Gerz made steins 1862-1999. This "Friedrich Ludwig Jahn" stein has a 0.5L capacity mark, Gerz logo, Germany and mold #1044 it's about 9" tall. 1887 it was required to have Germany or Made in Germany on all exports. This stein was probably made 1887-1939.
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852), or Turnvater Jahn, is credited with responsibility for the rebirth of gymnastics in Germany during the early 19th century, and with organizing the first German gymnastics clubs (Turn Vereine). The "4F" symbol appearing on the sides of the stein represents the tenets of the movement he began, standing for "Frisch, Fromm, Frohlich, Frei" (Fresh, Pious, Happy, Free).

Vivat hoch dem Vater Jahn, Turnen ist kein leerer Wahn.
(Long live father Jahn, gymnastics is not an empty illusion.)

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producent Simon Peter Gerz
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hoogte 23.0 cm (appx. 9 inches.)   

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