
Flower Basket / Mettlach

Villeroy & Boch - modelnr. 3079

Uit de verzameling van Mike Finn

This Mettlach stein #3079/514 is 1/2L and about 5-3/4L tall, it was made in 1907.
Prosit Blume
In order to fully appreciate the intent of this steins central image and text, one needs to understand that the German word Blume, in addition to meaning flower or bouquet can also be used to describe the head on a beer. So while ostensibly toasting the flowers depicted on the stein, the real toast is actually to the head on the beer inside the stein (Cheers to the foam.).

Bekijk alles van Mike Finn

soort bierpul materiaalSteengoed
producent Villeroy & Boch
producent info
model3079 514
hoogte 15.0 cm (appx. 5.9 inches.)   

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