
Cod War military stein 525th Fighter Intercept Squadron

Uit de verzameling van Walter Swett

Central scene

Right side scene

Left side scene

Hugo Schmidt mark

Naked lady lithophane

Cold War 1/2 Liter US Air Force military stein named to Bin & Mick, Bitburg Air Base, 1960-1961. The right side scene is an image of Convair F-102 Delta Dagger and the left side scene shows a regional map of Germany showing the location of Bitburg. The unit moved to Bitburg on February 12, 1957 and was the only Bitburg unit to maintain a 20 year air alert status. Designed by Hugo Schmidt Koblenz, Bogenstrasse 103

Bekijk alles van Walter Swett

soort bierpul materiaalPorselein
producent model-
inhoud1/2 liter   
ontwerpdatumCirca 1960   

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