
Scrollwork with Toast

Hauber & Reuther - modelnr. 150

Uit de verzameling van Mike Finn

When Hauber & Reuther lost its clay supply for stoneware in 1886 Gerz started to make steins for H&R to help fill the backlog of orders. Gerz produced HR steins fall into 3 categories.
“1” Those with a Gerz HR log and Gerz capacity mark, "they are very seldom seen."

“2” Those with no mark except a Gerz capacity mark and an HR. RZ stamped inside the lid.

“3” Those with a Gerz capacity mark but with no identifying HR marks whatsoever, but still identifiable as known HR product.

This one has a Gerz 0,5L capacity mark, "HR logo unique to Gerz made steins" and mold number (150). After looking at H&R made #150 steins, I think Gerz reused the old H&R molds. It's about 7-1/4" to the top of the pewter lid.
“Wohl bekomm’s”
(To your health)

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