
King Gambrinus Westerwald Masskrug / Maßkrug

Aus die Sammlung von Jorge O. Soriano

Absolutely magnificent porcelain inlay - Owner’s name nicely engraved: “H. König“

Incredible 2” pewter foot ring and massive lid

c. 1890s - 1 L. capacity & calibration marks are date characteristics

Intricate and beautiful thumb-lift

I’m not sure what you call the potter’s lines on the body, but they really add to the character and uniqueness of each Westerwald made stein

Fine condition for its age - how any of these survived 2 world wars is quite incredible

A toast to King Gambrinus and all lovers of beer and bierkrugs!

King Gambrinus westerwald Masskrug / Maßkrug 1L Saltglaze beer stein with porcelain inlay King Gambrinus lid with Bavarian thumb-lift. It also has a 2" foot ring. The Gambrinus inlay is very detailed as is the thumblift. The “1L” capacity and calibration marks on the (top front center) is also a date characteristic.

Dates back to c. 1890s.

The body of this stein is in fine condition for its age. The strap is tight and the tang is firmly affixed to the lid.

NOTE: This stein came from a very large personal collection of an elderly gentleman in Nurnberg. He had owned it for about 80 years. His collection objective was to protect history.

I believe all of us here on MySteinCollection whether part of our collection objective or not, are helping to “protect” history through discovery, preservation, and sharing information and pictures of our steins.

This is my favorite Gambrinus westerwald Maßkrug! The colors, especially the green, (my favorite color), along with the massive 2” pewter foot ring and lid, and intricate inlay and thumb-lift, are simply magnificent!

Zeig alles von Jorge O. Soriano

Form Krug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller Modell-
Kapazität1 L.   
Entwurfdatumc. 1890s   

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