
Westerwald 1660-1720

Aus die Sammlung von Mike Finn

After about 1660, there was a change in the handle design. The bottom of the handle has a curl and a smooth lump of clay has been added above the handle attachment. Called the "foot" this provided extra strength to the handle. The curl at the handle base is still intact, it's about 5" tall. The diamond band around the top and bottom were very popular in the early 1700's. By the 1720's the handle design changed again. The curl disappeared and the clay was pressed flat to the body, forming a triangle below the handle attachment. The lid is missing and it has tight hairline cracks, but this is my oldest stein.

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Form Krug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller Modell-
Höhe 12.7 cm (appx. 5 inches.)   

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