
Schultz Character Stein

King Werk

Aus die Sammlung von Walter Swett

According to the "Schultz & Dooley , et. al. A Collector's Guide" by Frank Loevi, this Schultz character stein is the 2d generation and was produced by King-Werk, Hohr-Grenzenhausen, Germany between 1960-1964 for the West End Brewing Company and the importer, Schmetzer. Loevi reports that 10,000 pairs of Schulz and Dooley were produced during this time.

Unfortunately, Schultz fell victim of poor packaging and got broken in shipment. I was able to complete a rough repair so he can still be displayed.

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Form Figurenkrug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller King Werk
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Kapazität1 liter   

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