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Whites of Utica

Aus die Sammlung von Mike Finn

Whites of Utica New York USA made steins 1885-1907, this relief stein is about 5-1/4" tall. Whites never had capacity marks or mold numbers. But usually had a number on the bottom that had something to do with the size of the stein, this one has a number 35. But unfortunately Whites changed their numbering system at least once. Most Whites were basically a monochromatic gray with cobalt blue. Yellow, green and brown glazed highlights were rare and high priced. Some Whites had two seems, one under the handle and the other in the front. German steins have the main design on the front, where English style steins have the design on the side with the handle showing.

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Form Krug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller Whites of Utica
Hersteller info
Höhe 13.0 cm (appx. 5.1 inches.)   

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