
German Stoneware

From the collection of Walt Vogdes


“German Stoneware, 1200-1900” by researcher/historian David Gaimster. Published in 1997 by the British Museum Press, this 430 page book is thoroughly illustrated in both b&w and color. Major sections include 1) An Outline History of Collecting and Research, 2) Stoneware Production in Medieval and Early Modern Germany, 3) Imports and Exports: the International Stoneware Trade, 4) Stoneware as a Utilitarian and Social Medium, 5) Pots, Prints and Propaganda, 6) Armorials on German Stoneware, and 7) a 180 page illustrated Catalog showing many important historic and cultural pieces. Containing a guide to the collections of the British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, and Museum of London. Demand for this book is high and has clearly outrun supply, as the average offering price today for used copies is in excess of $800. This copy is in excellent used condition, no damage, with original dust jacket. Offered for $400 plus shipping.

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View the collection of Walt Vogdes

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